
Pianist and Teacher

Jane Petroni, a successful pianist and teacher (B.Mus).


Creative, loving, patient and responsible

Ms. Jane Petroni has been the piano teacher for both of my children (Justin Lin and Ethan Lin) for almost 10 years since they were beginners. Jane is an amazing teacher with extensive teaching experiences, great knowledge of music, and a wonderful personality. She is creative, loving, patient and responsible. She has empowered her students with strong skills and techniques, and also inspired them to work hard to develop their musicality to its full potential.

Her love of music and passion for teaching is manifested by her students’ outstanding results at numerous local and provincial piano competitions as well as RCM piano exams over the years. My children are fortunate to have Jane as a teacher, mentor and role model. If you are looking for an enjoyable and high quality musical education, I would like to recommend Jane with the highest regard.

Qin Lin - December 2016

Passionate, effective and excellent

I have studied piano for 8 years with Ms. Jane Petroni until I completed RCM Grade 10. She started teaching me when I was very young and helped me mature as a pianist and as a person. Ms. Petroni is very passionate about teaching and she exhibits an outstanding ability to work effectively with students of all levels. She has always been very patient and never raised her voice. She has taught me to play music with my heart, not just fingers. She has also taught me what to practice, and more importantly, how to practice. She is ready for each lesson and I have always left my lessons with something new and exciting to work on.

Ms. Petroni is an extremely kind person and an excellent teacher. She has pushed me to my fullest potential and I have achieved many satisfying results at piano competitions and RCM exams. I would highly recommend Ms. Petroni to any piano student!

Ethan Lin - December 2016

Caring, coaching, charisma

Jane Petroni is an excellent teacher who genuinely cares for her students. Over the past 4 years in which I've been enrolled in Jane's classes, my improvement has been dramatic culminating in several award winning performances at various festivals and competitions. Jane's patience and extensive understanding of piano theory and performance allow her to effectively fine tune the nuances of the craft. In addition, her charisma provides for an enjoyable session. I'm grateful for the support and teachings from Jane and credit her for not only coaching me as a piano player, but also, for cultivating my passion for piano and musical arts.

Sarah Pu - December 2016

Experience, tutelage, proficiency

My daughter, Sarah, has been under the tutelage of Jane Petroni for the past four years. During this time Sarah has achieved first place in numerous music festivals and competitions, and I've watched her passion for piano grow and blossom. This excellent progress is a testament to Jane's abilities as an instructor. Jane is professional, passionate, technically proficient, and possesses comprehensive knowledge as it pertains to piano performance. She has the unique ability to methodically break down complex passages in musical pieces, and coach technical detail as well as musical expression to take a pianist's performance to an elite level. My experience with Jane is nothing short of fantastic, and I would readily recommend her as a piano instructor

Andy Pu - December 2016

Amazing, encouraging, kindness

Jane Petroni is my amazing teacher that I have studied with for 4 years. Every week when I go to my lesson, I feel motivated to test my bounderies and she's always there for every step of it. Once I've even gone to Vancouver BC for a competition with her. Now I'm in grade 9 piano and I'm 12 years old. Jane taught me how to develop, mature, and bring out the musicianship in me. I recommend Jane Pertroni because she is very encouraging, kind and honest. She makes you think for yourself with some amazing ideas. My piano would not have gotten this far without her.

Angela Ng - January 2017

Remarkable, extraordinary, stylistic

My mother in law was a trained concert pianist and a long time piano teacher in Winnipeg. Before she passed away, she told me she had set up my children with a piano teacher, with her friend Jane. And she was firm on this. I didn't know Jane, but knowing my mother in-law, I knew she must be good. It didn't take long to realise just how good Jane was. Her attention to stylistic details is remarkable and especially important to build upon in the early years. My two children have been taking lessons with Jane for approximately 7 years. In that time I have watched their musical ability and musicality develop, along with their self-confidence and etiquette. My kids are very different in their approach to the piano. The oldest loves it and is self-motivated; she enters competitions and festivals (now grade 8 Royal Conservatory of Music) Jane has prepared her very well for these. She does not get nervous, she does her best and Jane is proud of her regardless of the outcome. Jane does and extraordinary job of preparing all her students for competition. She ensures students have ample opportunity to perform infront of one another and in masterclasses. In weekly lessons as I listen to the advice she gives, I am amazed at the wealth and breath of knowledge she has, and always a new ways to make improvements. I want to say that my daughter who is not competitive receives no less attention than the other. In fact, Jane is always looking for new styles of music to keep her engaged. Her path my not lead to competitions and exams, but Jane takes her musical training seriously as well. Jane provides firm goals and expectations but is a caring, kind person. I can not imagine having any other teacher and I am forever thankful for my mother-in-laws intervention.

Jennifer Lu - January 2017

Patient, talented encouraging, determined

The definition of the word "admire" is to "regards with wonder, approval and delight." The one person whom I greatly admire is my piano teacher Jane Petroni. I admire Jane for her pleasant personality, patience, talent, encouraging spirit and determination. Every Saturday morning since I was six years old, she greets me with a smile and I have never seen her grumpy and unhappy. when I first started playing piano, she taught me the notes, rhythm, and melodies with much patience. I admire this quality in her because I am not a patience individual. I am easily frustrated and give up quickly if the person that I am trying to teach does not grasp thye concept immediately. I have never seen this in Jane. As my piano skills developed and matured, her teaching method adapted to my level and she taught me how to put feelings and expressions into my music. Seeing Jane teaches a four year old to play "Happy Birthday" and then guide her next student to perfect a concerto helps me to learn to be flexible in dealing with people with different learning styles and abilities. She encourages me continuosly to excel and celebrates my successes no matter how big or small. During the grade level six trophy competition, when I felt I performed poorly, Jane still commended me and expressed her pride in how well I played. I have yet to hear anything discouraging coming from her. Not only is she musically talented, She is also very musically talented, she is also very artistic as there are several pieces of her art works decorating her walls. I cannot even draw a straight line so I greatly admire the winter landscape she so beautifully painted. She is determined and work extermely hard and help me strive for my very best. This has encouraged and inspired me to practise properly, diligently, and successfully. Jane has taught me many skills needed for piano, but I can also apply them to success in life. These include lesson on perseverance, patience and flexibility. In conclusion, I regard Jane "with wonder, approval, and delight" because she is patient, talented encouraging and determined.

Amaris Wong - March 2017