Teaching piano

Teaching Piano is My Life’s Passion!

My Life’s Passion!

Hello my name is Jane Petroni and one of the greatest joys I receive from teaching is seeing my students develop into young musicians with strong self-esteem and pride in themselves and in their accomplishments in piano. Children’s love of music will last them a lifetime! So many of my students have won awards of great recognition, but it is seeing the growth and pure joy of music that develops within them over the years that is truly exciting!

My primary goal as a teacher is to help younger students to love and want to play music, and to understand music and develop their technical, musical-artistic, and reading skills. I teach piano in a fun manner that results in confidence and independence, and I offer strategies that strengthen students’ abilities to become wonderful young pianists.

I have been teaching for over 35 years. Some students who started with me have continued in music at different universities and pursued careers in music. It is such a pleasure to see how my students over the years have excelled in life after having studied music be it in medicine, law, sciences, mathematics, management, computer sciences, and many other careers.

I teach privately in Winnipeg as well as teaching through the Preparatory Department of the University of Manitoba and at Saint John’s Ravenscourt School. I have adjudicated festivals and scholarship competitions as well as conducted masterclasses for the PreparatoryDepartment and the pre- diploma group for Manitoba Registered Music Teachers Association.

I am always interested in having new students join me in their musical adventure. I can be reached at 204-918-6500 and/or e-mail address contact@janepetroni.ca and I look forward to hearing from you!


Welcome to my studio

The benefits of studying piano are tremendous!

It has been shown that the brains of trained musicians have stronger neural connections and are better at information processing. Many specialists believe that trained musicians have high IQs, excellent memory skills, increased focused attention, and very strong motor coordination.

Other benefits include improved language skills, increased self-confidence, increased empathy, and increased emotional resilience.

In This is Your Brain on Music, Daniel Levitin writes that,"Musical activity involves nearly every region of the brain that we know about, and nearly every neural subsystem". Daniel Joseph Levitin, FRSC is an American cognitive psychologist, neuroscientist, writer, musician, and record producer.

To study piano benefits your brain as well as satisfies your soul!

Pianist and Teacher

About Jane Petroni


I am a graduate of the University of Manitoba with a Bachelor of Music. I was awarded many scholarships including the Mrs. James Richardson scholarship and manyWestern Board of Music scholarships. These scholarships encouraged me to continue my studies in Aspen Colorado, and at the Banff School of the Arts, and in the Classical musical Program in Vienna, Austria.

I studied under Thelma Wilson, Garth Beckett, John Melnyk and Ken Adams, and continued in master classes with Marek Jablonski, Leonard Isaacs, Paul Badura-Skoda, Hans Kann, WilliardSchultz, and Boris Roubakine.

My students have been honoured in Royal Conservatory examinations and many have won gold medals both provincially and nationally. In the Winnipeg Music Festival, some have received first place, have been trophy winners, or have placed in the top of their class with several continuing to the provincial competition on recommendation from the Festival. Having auditioned for and won scholarships for their age and grade level in both solo repertoire and concerto competitions, many of my students have been selected to be in the preparatory department enrichment program of the University on Manitoba. Several students have played with the Greater Grand Forks Symphony Orchestra. I have had many finalists in the Canadian Music Competition which is a national music competition and one in Virtuose, a Canadian Competition based in Montreal. Several students have been finalists in the American Competition: Young Keyboard Artists Associations. One of my students placed second in her age group worldwide in the international online piano competition Great Composers Competition.
